Thursday, November 1, 2012

Simple Machines

Today we tested out our "Simple Machines". We all made cars using household materials. We measured the distance that the cars travelled. The furthest distance was over 6 metres!!
In our Simple Machines unit, we learned about 6 simple machines. We learned about the wheel and axle, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, levers, and the wedge.
In our experiment, we used an inclined plane to help our cars go further! All of our cars used a wheel and axle. Some of the wheels were made from cans, CD's, cardboard, roller blade wheels, sealer caps and lids, lego wheels, and some other great ideas!
We thought that this project was interesting and fun, and awesome! It was also cool to see how each car was different and how each car moved further down the floor than others.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 15,
    I love to see hands on science lessons! Before I was a principal I taught Science. Your activity is similar to something you will do in Grade 10 Physics to learn about VELOCITY. I love the assorted vehicles you've built - very creative.
    -Mr. FB
